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Company Voluntary Arrangement

If your client’s business is having difficulties covering all of its monthly debt obligations then a CVA is the best way for it to restructure and remain trading with a view to emerging stronger, more profitable and debt free at the end of the process.

How does a CVA work?

A Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA) is a formal insolvency process agreed between a company and its creditors where in return for a proportion of total debts being written off, the company agrees to repay the remaining debt in regular monthly instalments, usually 60 or five years. 

Like other formal insolvency processes, a licensed insolvency practitioner has to produce the arrangement.

Any interest and charges would also be frozen once a CVA was accepted by 75% of all creditors and is binding on all other unsecured creditors.


If your clients main hurdle to profit is making their monthly debt repayments in full and on time then it might make more sense to tackle these debts holistically with a CVA.

A Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA) is a formal insolvency process agreed between a company and its creditors where, in return for a proportion of debts being written off, the company agrees to pay back a lower proportion of the remaining collective debt in those regular monthly instalments until cleared.

It’s a way for a company to remain trading and have certainty around its debt while it restructures itself to hopefully come out stronger and more profitable at the end of the process – and debt free.

Do CVAs work?

In 2023, there were 186 CVAs in England and Wales – approx 0.5% of all total insolvencies – which is to be expected because they are a specialised restructuring tool. 

As such they should only be considered if they have a reasonable chance of success and that the terms agreed to are flexible enough and appropriate. 

There are several questions we always ask when deciding on the suitability of potential CVAs for businesses. These are:-

  • Is there a specific reason for current cash flow difficulties?
  • Is there a strong management team and structure in place?
  • Does the business have a clear and realistic plan moving forward?
  • Does the plan correlate with existing and historical data?
  • How does the company’s performance measure against industry benchmarks?
  • How far back does any HMRC owed debt stretch?
  • Are key creditors supportive or likely to be supportive?
  • Are other funders supportive?

Approximately 60% of CVAs succeed and we will only take a CVA proposal forward if we believe it has a decent chance of being successful. 

This is why it is crucial for directors to understand all insolvency alternatives including CVAs.

An accountants guide to CVA proposals

While there is no way to guarantee a successful CVA process, there are several key indicators we’d focus on with respect to your clients’ financial information to help work with them and you on formulating an achievable repayment plan for their creditors. 

We’d base this on their projected profit and loss statements and cash flow; any material assets disposals; considering seasonality or other appropriate trends as well as having discussions with their major creditors.

Differing CVA proposals

As every business’ circumstances are different, so are the CVA proposals that will best work for them. 

Generally they should be flexible enough to allow for any future changes while also continually providing suitable value to creditors. 

  • CVA based on fixed contributions

These are the most popular forms of CVA where a fixed amount is repaid monthly, calculated on cash flow projections and usually lasting 60 months – five years.  For example, a company repaying a collective debt of £300,000 would repay £3,000 a month. 

While this could allow a significant debt write off, the business would still have to commit to finding £3,000 a month for five years.  

For some businesses this would be ideal but for others that have different fluctuations in their business cycle or other inherent vagaries and factors then they could consider another kind of CVA. 

  • Seasonal or trend-based contributions

This CVA allows a business to repay either variable amounts defined according to projected peaks and troughs in the business calendar or flexible amounts based upon agreed calculations in relation to turnover.

Under this arrangement, a company owing £300,000 could propose to repay 4% of monthly turnover instead of a fixed amount. This would give them greater cash flow planning and because of the flexibility, this CVA is more likely to be ultimately successful.

  • Seasonal or trend-based contributions and/or asset release

 This CVA variation works in the same way as the one previously mentioned but also allows for releasing company assets into the arrangement.  

This can work well when company owners are also contemplating the sale of the whole or part of the business but need more time to arrange it.

For example, the business can make contributions for a 12 month period of the CVA on a seasonal basis and organise the sale of certain assets or a division at the end of the financial year. 

If this is successful then it could generate enough funds to bring the CVA to a successful conclusion at this point. If the sale doesn’t complete in time or is delayed then the CVA proposal could include a pre-agree alternative arrangement such as continuing to pay contributions for a further period in lieu of the expected sale proceeds.  

Foreseeing obstacles and building alternative scenarios to overcome them into any CVA proposal would give it the strongest possibility of success.

Making savings ahead of a CVA proposal

If a business can demonstrate that it is seriously cutting back on expenditure and costs then it has a better chance of having a CVA proposal accepted by creditors. These can include:

  • Renegotiating leases with landlords
  • Reaching better terms with suppliers
  • Paying off or restructuring financial agreements and loans
  • Staffing changes

Directors should remember that any shortfall costs or termination charges will be classed as debts within the CVA which will limit their effect on cash flow.

If money is owed to the current banking provider, the business should also seek to open a new bank account elsewhere prior to the CVA being proposed. This is due to the fact the company bank account will likely be frozen once the proposals are circulated and any money set off against the bank debt.

What happens after a CVA is accepted?

Once a CVA is accepted by creditors then some things will change for a business but others will remain as they were. 

From the point a CVA is accepted then the following all apply:

  • All unsecured creditors are bound by the terms of the CVA 
  • All existing creditors interest and charges are frozen
  • Any ongoing legal actions will cease
  • The business will only make payments on unsecured debt from that date as per the terms of the proposal. 

If HMRC are one of the creditors then they will also be bound under the terms of the arrangement and will be unable to charge any further interest and penalties on any money owed from the date of the meeting. 

However, as debts owed to HMRC accrue on a daily basis, once they have received notice of acceptance of a CVA they will issue a VAT return for the period to the date of the meeting and will also issue a further VAT return from the period after the meeting until financial quarter end.

The pre-CVA meeting claim will form part of the agreed CVA debt but post-CVA VAT returns are not and should be settled on time according to usual timescales.

The role of the CVA supervisor

Each CVA case will have an experienced supervisor attached to it who will be your client’s liaison and contact for any queries or concerns. 

In the first instance they will write to them to clearly layout their agreed obligations and will also:

  • Collect the contributions or assets as per the proposal
  • Agree creditor’s claims and pay dividends to creditors
  • Review the company’s finances at an agreed time interval

The last point is important – if the financial conditions at the business materially change then it’s the duty of the supervisor to convene a new meeting of creditors and propose a variation of the agreement. If accepted, the arrangement will continue as per the agreed proposal and the new variation.

Concluding the CVA successfully

If your client makes all the expected payments under an arrangement and the supervisor has paid all outstanding dividends to the creditors then the CVA can be brought to a conclusion. 

They are issued with a certificate of completion and a final report on the CVA is filed at Companies House.

If you or they have any questions about CVAs then please get in touch with one of our team of expert advisors directly.

Frequently Asked Questions about Company Voluntary Arrangements
How much does a CVA Cost?

It depends on the size of your company and how much you owe to other businesses but usually will be somewhere between £3,000 and £10,000.

Can a CVA stop bailiffs?

Yes but only once it has been accepted by creditors. If the bailiff action is imminent or occurred before the CVA is accepted, we can negotiate with them on your behalf.

Can a CVA stop a winding-up petition?

Yes but only when the CVA has been agreed. If the petition is due to be heard before the CVA has been accepted we can ask for an adjournment of the petition.

Will my business remain open with a CVA?

Yes. Voluntary arrangements are a means of restructuring whilst a business continues to trade.

However, if a winding-up petition has been issued prior to a CVA being accepted it is recommended that a validation order is applied for, otherwise directors can be held personally responsible for any payments made to creditors in the period that the petition was issued should the company be liquidated.

Will a CVA be automatically accepted?

The CVA has to receive the backing of 75% of your creditors. If it passes this threshold then it is passed and is binding on all creditors.

How much will I have to pay back?

The amount varies depending on how much you owe and how much your business returns.

A profit and loss and cash flow projections will be prepared to determine your contribution.

Can I work out a CVA myself?

No. The CVA legally requires a qualified insolvency practitioner to administer it and oversee the process.

How long does a CVA last?

A CVA usually lasts about five years (60 months) but depending on circumstances could be shorter or longer than this.

Can I still use my business bank account?

Yes. Your business bank account remains open and active.

Will I need to apply for a validation order before I get a CVA?

You should apply for a validation order if a winding-up petition has been issued against your company, and it is your intention to propose a CVA and continue trading.

The validation order will allow you to continue paying money to creditors, without falling foul of insolvency legislation. We can assist with a validation order application if required.

How do you calculate how much my company pays into the CVA?

Profit & loss and cash flow projections will be prepared for your company.  

From this and your business’ individual circumstances, we’ll determine how much your company can afford to pay at different times of the year.

How will it affect my personal guarantees?

When negotiating with your creditors, we will reach agreement with any companies that you have outstanding personal guarantees with.  

This may involve no further payment other than the CVA contribution, although on some occasions, you may need to agree a top up from personal funds.

What happens to my employees in a CVA?

Employment rights are not affected by voluntary arrangements.

If, at the time of setting up a CVA, there are outstanding payments due to staff that have left the company, their claims can be included within the CVA, and they may be able to claim from the national insurance fund, after which the fund would be a creditor in the CVA instead.

Are my customers informed of the CVA?

No.  We write to your creditors and notice of the CVA is filed at Companies House, but we do not contact any of your customers nor is it advertised.

Are directors investigations carried out?

No.  Under a CVA, your business continues to trade, and as such there is no need to carry out investigations into the directors’ conduct.

Do I have to use an insolvency practice?

Yes.  A CVA must be implemented and overseen by a licensed insolvency practitioner.

How long do CVAs normally last?

Usually five years.

However, this is not set in stone, and depends on the level of debt, and the amount that your company can afford to put into the arrangement.

What happens if I have rent arrears?

We would look to reach agreement with your landlord in the CVA as well.

This would include taking account of whether your business intends to continue from the same premises in the future.

How does the voting at the creditors meeting work?

Once the proposals have been sent to creditors, we negotiate with creditors on your behalf.

Each unsecured creditor can vote for the value of their debt.

Over 75% of votes by value must be in favour of the CVA for it to be accepted. Creditors can also suggest modifications to the proposal.

Can I continue using my existing bank facilities?

Yes, your day to day trading doesn’t change.

Separate to your normal business, you make the CVA payments to the CVA supervisor, who distributes the monies to your creditors.

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